latin names and meanings

196 Latin Names and Meanings for Boys and Girls

Choosing a name can be one of the most exciting parts of welcoming a new baby. Latin names have a timeless appeal, offering a rich blend of history, strength, and beauty. Whether you’re looking for something popular, unique, or powerful, Latin names and meanings provide a fascinating array of options.

From ancient names with deep roots to modern names with a classic twist, there’s something for everyone. Let’s explore some of the best Latin names that could be perfect for your little one.

Popular Latin Names and Their Meanings


Popular Latin Male Names

  1. Marcus – Warlike; derived from Mars, the Roman god of war.
  2. Lucius – Light; a classic name with ancient Roman roots.
  3. Julian – Youthful; from the Latin name Julius, meaning youthful or downy.
  4. Maximus – Greatest; popular Roman name signifying greatness and strength.
  5. Felix – Happy or fortunate; a name bringing good luck.
  6. Titus – Title of honor; used in ancient Rome for its dignified sound.
  7. Antonius – Priceless; ancient Roman family name, often associated with valor.
  8. Octavius – Eighth; traditionally given to the eighth-born child in a family.
  9. Gaius – Rejoice; an ancient Roman praenomen (given name).
  10. Valerius – Strong or healthy; a name symbolizing robustness.
  11. Remus – Oar; twin brother of Romulus, legendary founder of Rome.
  12. Severus – Stern or severe; associated with seriousness and strength.
  13. Aurelian – Golden; a name reflecting brightness and nobility.
  14. Cassius – Hollow or vain; famous due to historical Roman figures.
  15. Darius – Possessing goodness; originally of Persian origin but used in Rome.
  16. Flavius – Yellow or golden-haired; a distinguished Roman family name.
  17. Hadrian – From Hadria; name of a famous Roman emperor.
  18. Quintus – Fifth; traditionally given to the fifth-born child.
  19. Sergius – Servant or protector; a name with noble undertones.
  20. Tiberius – Of the Tiber; relating to the Tiber River in Rome.

Popular Latin Female Names

  1. Julia – Youthful; feminine form of Julius, a name with rich history.
  2. Lucia – Light; brings to mind brightness and clarity.
  3. Victoria – Victory; name symbolizing triumph and success.
  4. Claudia – Lame; ancient Roman name, often linked with nobility.
  5. Livia – Olive; a classic name with a gentle, natural feel.
  6. Octavia – Eighth; traditionally given to the eighth-born daughter.
  7. Aurelia – Golden; a name suggesting beauty and wealth.
  8. Valeria – Strong or healthy; reflects strength and vitality.
  9. Sabina – Sabine woman; from an ancient tribe in central Italy.
  10. Antonia – Priceless; feminine form of Antonius, suggesting great value.
  11. Camilla – Attendant; linked to Roman mythology and nobility.
  12. Flavia – Yellow or golden-haired; name with a bright, cheerful tone.
  13. Marcia – Warlike; feminine form of Marcus, suggesting strength.
  14. Portia – Pig; name made famous by Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice.”
  15. Serena – Serene; name suggesting calmness and tranquility.
  16. Silvia – Forest; a nature-inspired name with a soft sound.
  17. Tatiana – Fairy queen; elegant and regal, with Roman roots.
  18. Vivia – Alive; a name brimming with life and energy.
  19. Drusilla – Strong; feminine form of Drusus, a powerful Roman name.
  20. Lavinia – Purity; classic name from Roman mythology, suggesting innocence.

Popular Latin Unisex Names and Their Meanings

  1. Alex – Defender; short form of Alexander or Alexandra.
  2. Max – Greatest; short form of Maximus or Maxine.
  3. Val – Strong or healthy; short form of Valerius or Valeria.
  4. Adrian – From Hadria; name linked to the Adriatic Sea.
  5. August – Revered or venerable; from Augustus.
  6. Cass – Hollow or vain; short form of Cassius or Cassia.
  7. Ellis – Benevolent; derived from Elias.
  8. Flor – Flower; short form of Flora or Florus.
  9. Jordan – Flowing down; name of the famous river.
  10. Kim – Bold kin; short form of Kimball.
  11. Laverne – Springlike; associated with the goddess of spring.
  12. Morgan – Sea defender; traditionally Welsh but used in Latin.
  13. Pat – Noble; short form of Patricius or Patricia.
  14. Rene – Reborn; derived from Renatus.
  15. Robin – Bright fame; short form of Robert or Roberta.
  16. Sam – Told by God; short form of Samuel or Samantha.
  17. Taylor – Tailor; occupational name.
  18. Terry – Harvester; short form of Terentius or Teresa.
  19. Toni – Priceless; short form of Antonius or Antonia.
  20. Vivian – Alive; brimming with life and energy.

Strong Latin Names and Their Meanings

Strong Latin Male Names

  1. Fortis – Strong or brave; signifies great courage and strength.
  2. Magnus – Great; a name symbolizing greatness and power.
  3. Rex – King; denotes royal authority and leadership.
  4. Imperius – Commanding; associated with authority and power.
  5. Dominus – Lord; signifies mastery and dominance.
  6. Victor – Conqueror; name representing victory and success.
  7. Augustus – Venerable; title given to Roman emperors, indicating majesty.
  8. Decimus – Tenth; traditionally given to the tenth-born child.
  9. Marcellus – Little warrior; diminutive of Marcus, implying strength.
  10. Nero – Strong and vigorous; name of a famous Roman emperor.
  11. Claudius – Lame; name of a notable Roman emperor.
  12. Trajan – Thrice; named after a respected Roman emperor.
  13. Vibius – Alive; signifies vibrancy and vitality.
  14. Fabius – Bean grower; name of an ancient Roman family, symbolizing prosperity.

Strong Latin Female Names

  1. Fortissima – Bravest; feminine form of Fortis, indicating great bravery.
  2. Magna – Great; signifies greatness and prominence.
  3. Regina – Queen; denotes royalty and nobility.
  4. Domina – Lady; signifies mastery and authority.
  5. Imperia – Commanding; reflects a strong and authoritative presence.
  6. Althea – Healing; name suggesting nurturing and strength.
  7. Bellatrix – Female warrior; implies strength and combat prowess.
  8. Aemilia – Rival; derived from the Roman family name Aemilius.
  9. Diana – Divine; name of the Roman goddess of the hunt.
  10. Vesta – Hearth; name of the Roman goddess of home and family.

Ancient Latin Names and Their Meanings

Ancient Latin Male Names

  1. Aeneas – Praised; a hero of Trojan origin in Roman mythology.
  2. Brutus – Heavy; famous for Marcus Junius Brutus, known for his role in Julius Caesar’s assassination.
  3. Cicero – Chickpea; named after the Roman orator and philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero.
  4. Drusus – Strong; a prominent Roman family name.
  5. Faustus – Fortunate; signifies good luck and prosperity.
  6. Gnaeus – Born in the family; a common Roman praenomen.
  7. Horatius – Timekeeper; name of the famous Roman poet Horace.
  8. Iulius – Youthful; a prominent Roman family name, including Julius Caesar.
  9. Laelius – Of the people; name of a notable Roman consul.
  10. Marius – Male; name of a famous Roman general and statesman.
  11. Nerva – Strength; name of a Roman emperor known for his wisdom.
  12. Otho – Wealthy; name of a Roman emperor.
  13. Pius – Dutiful; often used to denote piety and devotion.

Ancient Latin Female Names

  1. Agrippina – Wild horse; name of a prominent Roman empress.
  2. Aelia – Sun; feminine form of Aelius, suggesting brightness.
  3. Cornelia – Horn; name of a noble Roman family.
  4. Faustina – Fortunate; signifies good luck and prosperity.
  5. Fulvia – Blond; a distinguished Roman family name.
  6. Hortensia – Gardener; name of a renowned Roman woman orator.
  7. Iulia – Youthful; feminine form of Julius, suggesting vitality.
  8. Licinia – Of Licinius; name of a prominent Roman family.
  9. Lucretia – Wealth; name of a legendary Roman figure known for her virtue.
  10. Plautia – Broad; name of a Roman family, suggesting expansiveness.
  11. Prisca – Ancient; denotes antiquity and traditional values.
  12. Sempronia – Belonging to Sempronius; a noble Roman family name.
  13. Terentia – Tender; name of the wife of the orator Cicero.
  14. Tullia – Peaceful; name of the daughter of Cicero.
  15. Veturia – Old; name of a legendary Roman matron known for her wisdom.

Cool Latin Names and Their Meanings

Cool Latin Male Names

  1. Adrianus – From Hadria; linked to the Adriatic Sea.
  2. Amadeus – Lover of God; famous due to Mozart.
  3. Benedictus – Blessed; signifies being blessed or fortunate.
  4. Cato – Wise; known for the Roman statesman Cato the Elder.
  5. Ennius – Predestined; name of an ancient Roman poet.
  6. Festus – Festive; associated with celebrations and joy.
  7. Gracchus – Graceful; name of a prominent Roman family.
  8. Hortensius – Gardener; name associated with cultivation and growth.
  9. Juno – Youthful; name of the Roman goddess of marriage.
  10. Leontius – Lion-like; signifies bravery and strength.
  11. Marcellinus – Little warrior; diminutive of Marcus.
  12. Narcissus – Numb; associated with the myth of Narcissus.
  13. Paulus – Small; name of several saints and historical figures.
  14. Quintilian – Fifth; name of a famous Roman orator.
  15. Romulus – Founder of Rome; twin brother of Remus in Roman mythology.
  16. Secundus – Second; traditionally given to the second-born child.
  17. Silvanus – Of the forest; linked to nature and the woods.
  18. Tertius – Third; traditionally given to the third-born child.
  19. Urbanus – Of the city; signifies sophistication and urbanity.
  20. Verus – True; signifies honesty and authenticity.
  21. Zeno – Gift of Zeus; associated with Greek philosophy.
  22. Albinus – White or fair; name suggesting purity.
  23. Cornelius – Horn; name of a prominent Roman family.
  24. Octavianus – Eighth; title of Augustus before becoming emperor.

Cool Latin Female Names

  1. Amara – Bitter or beloved; a name with dual meanings.
  2. Beatrix – Voyager or traveler; signifies blessings.
  3. Callista – Most beautiful; a name suggesting beauty.
  4. Eliana – Sun; name suggesting brightness and warmth.
  5. Felicia – Happy or fortunate; signifies joy and luck.
  6. Gemma – Gem or jewel; signifies preciousness.
  7. Honoria – Honor; name suggesting dignity and respect.
  8. Isidora – Gift of Isis; combining Greek and Egyptian influences.
  9. Junia – Youthful; feminine form of Junius.
  10. Laurentia – From Laurentum; linked to laurel trees.
  11. Marcella – Little warrior; feminine form of Marcellus.
  12. Nerissa – Sea nymph; name suggesting beauty and grace.
  13. Ophelia – Help; famous due to Shakespeare’s “Hamlet.”
  14. Paula – Small; feminine form of Paulus.
  15. Quinta – Fifth; traditionally given to the fifth-born daughter.
  16. Sabella – Consecrated to God; diminutive of Isabella.
  17. Tertia – Third; traditionally given to the third-born daughter.
  18. Ursula – Little bear; name suggesting strength and courage.
  19. Venilia – Of the sea; linked to Roman mythology.
  20. Zenobia – Life of Zeus; name of a famous queen of Palmyra.
  21. Albina – White or fair; feminine form of Albinus.
  22. Calpurnia – Chalice; name of Julius Caesar’s wife.
  23. Ophelia – Help; famous due to Shakespeare’s “Hamlet.”
  24. Minerva – Wisdom; name of the Roman goddess of wisdom.

Beautiful Latin Names and Their Meanings

Beautiful Latin Male Names

  1. Amatus – Beloved; a name signifying love and affection.
  2. Caelus – Sky; linked to the heavens and celestial themes.
  3. Eusebius – Pious or devout; denotes strong religious faith.
  4. Fidelis – Faithful; signifies loyalty and trustworthiness.
  5. Hadrianus – From Hadria; associated with the Adriatic Sea.
  6. Ignatius – Fiery; linked to the Latin word for fire.
  7. Januarius – January; named after the Roman god Janus.
  8. Lucian – Light; name bringing to mind brightness and clarity.
  9. Marinus – Of the sea; denotes a connection to the ocean.
  10. Nazarius – From Nazareth; linked to the place name.
  11. Ovidius – Sheep; name of a famous Roman poet.
  12. Rufus – Red-haired; signifies a person with red hair.
  13. Severinus – Severe or serious; name suggesting strength.
  14. Tarquinius – From Tarquinia; name of an ancient Roman family.
  15. Valentinus – Strong and healthy; linked to love and affection.
  16. Verulus – Truthful; signifies honesty and integrity.
  17. Vespasian – Evening; name of a Roman emperor.
  18. Vitus – Life; denotes vitality and liveliness.
  19. Caelestis – Heavenly; signifies something divine and celestial.
  20. Crispus – Curly-haired; name suggesting unique hair texture.

Beautiful Latin Female Names

  1. Aemiliana – Rival; diminutive of Aemilia.
  2. Bellona – Goddess of war; name of the Roman goddess of war.
  3. Clarissa – Bright or clear; name suggesting clarity and brightness.
  4. Delphina – Dolphin; signifies grace and intelligence.
  5. Eleanora – Light; variant of Eleanor, meaning bright light.
  6. Gratia – Grace; signifies elegance and charm.
  7. Jovina – Joyful; denotes happiness and joy.
  8. Lauretta – Little laurel; diminutive of Laura, linked to laurel trees.
  9. Natalia – Christmas Day; signifies being born on Christmas.
  10. Priscilla – Ancient; name suggesting traditional values.
  11. Rosalia – Rose; denotes beauty and fragrance.
  12. Urania – Heavenly; name of the muse of astronomy.
  13. Valentina – Strong and healthy; linked to love and affection.
  14. Veneria – Goddess of love; name linked to Venus.
  15. Verena – True; signifies honesty and integrity.
  16. Virgilia – Maiden; feminine form of Virgil, suggesting purity.

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